Sustainability & Enviroment
ENVIROMENTAL RESPONSABILITY At Komtes Group we work with clean agents that are respectful to our planet, and promote the highest ecological value. |
ACTIVE COMMITMENT AGAINST POLLUTION We play an active role in improving the planet through proper handling, collection and treatment of toxic substances such as halon, removing these dangerous agents and recycling them to prevent accidental spills. We promote the reduction of paper consumption through our online platform meant for consultation and downloadable in digital format for any region of the world.. |
REDUCTION IN PRODUCTS AND EQUIPMENT We work with the latest technologies against fire. The great effectiveness of our agents and equipment can optimize the design, reducing the amount gases required, while ensuring the best performance against fire with minimal resources. This also reduces the disposal of products in to the sewage network.
EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS By quickly extinguishing a fire, we avoid tons of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere caused by burning of material and equipment as well as the environmental cost of its replacement (emissions during the procurement of raw materials, manufacturing, transportation, installation, etc.) |
FUTURE VISION At Komtes Group we want to be part of a better and more sustainable future. Our heavy investment in technology and innovation allows us to offer more and more efficient products, committed to the highest safety standards, at the same time maintaining a strong commitment to the planet. |
TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY Better and more efficient products Improving production processes Reducing the ecological footprint of our business activities, in response to the ever increasing social demand |